June 2018 - Articles

  1. Effects of Examination Policies on School Culture in High Schools in Uganda, by Oboko Mark | download full article
  2. Women’s Decision Making and Access to Informal_Formal Employment in Kamonyi District, Rwanda, by Nkurunziza Prosper | download full article
  3. Analyse du Systeme Africain de Protection des Droits Humains, by Kambale Kamavu Petillon | download full article
  4. Influence de la vie locative sur les Relations Interpersonnelles- Cas de la Commune Kimemi en Ville de Butembo, RD Congo, by Mutunda Lwaka | download full article
  5. Les effest de recours aux pesticides et aux engrais mineraux sur la culture de la pomme de terre a Masereka, by Kakule Saa-Mbili Emmanuel, Muyisa P. Kazimoto, Et Kambale Kapitul | download full article
  6. The Effects of IntraOrganizational Conflict in Relation to the Women Ministration in the Tanzanian Seventh-day Adventist Church, by David K. Wanani, wananidk@gmail.com | download full article
  7. Problematique de la Fiscalisation des Associations Non-Confessionnelles: Analyse des Eglises de Reveil en Republique Democratique du Congo, Ville de Kinshasa, by Riziki K Lufungula Agnes et Jacquie Lufungula | download full article